Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Organizational Behavior which is Followed in Netbay Internet

Question: Discuss the organizational behavior which is followed in Netbay Internet. Answer: 1.0 Introduction In this assignment the researcher has discussed the organizational behavior which is followed in Netbay Internet. Netbay Internet is an internet service provider in Australia (Netbay.com.au 2016). Netbay Internet has provided internet service in Australia for a period of near about ten years. The organization is mainly located in Victoria and provides services almost across Australia. The organization mainly provides internet services in houses and offices through Broadband and dial-up connections. Near about 300 hundred employees are looking after the services of the organization (Netbay.com.au 2016). This assignment will discuss the present organizational culture and organizational structure of the organization. 2.0 Discussion 2.1 Organizational culture of Netbay Internet Organizational culture in an organization may be understood as the behavior and the values of the employees in any organization. Organizational culture creates a unique social and psychological environment within an organization. According to Ater, Givati and Rigbi (2014), employees in organizations are composed of people from different religions and cultures and this can be seen in Netbay Internet. The Chief Executive Officer of the organization takes the main decision in the organization and others execute the orders. Therefore, aggressive culture prevails in the organization and this creates confusion among the employees. The education level of the employees in the organization is also different. It is often seen that the employer of the organization do not communicate transparently with the employees about their strategies and this in turn leads to miscommunication among the employees of the organization. Behavior and attitudes of the employees in the organization is an important part for the proper functioning of Netbay Internet. Netbay Internet is planning to change the mindsets of the employees in the organization with the inclusion of values, respect and integrity within the organizational culture (Bakay 2015). This will help the employees of the organization to build collaboration and develop good interpersonal relationships among each other. Effective collaboration among the employees is missing in the organization. The employees are not properly communicated with each other. This has created miscommunication with the employees and top management. Openness is also another important characteristic which is missing in Netbay Internet. In the initial days, the employees in the organization were afraid to speak to the top management about their problems. Therefore, a community has been created by the employees of the organization through which their messages are communicated to the top management. However the community is not so strong in the organization. In the organization Netbay Internet training is not provided to the employees. This often creates a problem for the new joiners in the organization. New technology is also introduced by the organization to meet the requirement of the customers. However no training facility is provided to the employees to cope up with this new technology. This process has made the employees of the organization unsatisfied. Rewards and reorganization are not considered by the employer of the organization. This demotivates the employees in the organization. The pay packages of the employee are also not up to mark with the standard industry. The employees within the organization are also not promoted to the next higher level. All these have made the employees speak a bad mouth about the organization. 2.2 Organizational structure of Netbay Internet The organizational structure shows the different activities which are followed in an organization. Netbay Internet follows a centralized power structure. In this structure, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the organization generally takes the main decision and other members execute the functions (Ljungholm 2014). The organization Netbay Internet has three departments. They are the Marketing Department, Information Technology Department and Human Resource department. Figure 1: Organizational Structure of Netbay Internet (Source: Created by the author) The organization Netbay Internet generally follows autocratic leadership structure. In this autocratic leadership structure the organization follows centralized power structure. In this structure the top management takes the decision and the other employee only follow the orders. The organizational structure is composed of three departments. Each department has managers who look after the different activities. Netbay Internet is also overloaded with lot of mangers. This often creates problem within the organization. Different mangers have different views and this lead to conflict among the employees. Therefore the organization cannot reach its goal effectively. The marketing department of Netbay Internet takes part in developing the brand name of the organization. The marketing manager takes decision regarding the advertisement of the organization through the television or radio. The Internet is also used by the marketing manager to promote the services (Wittman 2014). The Information Technology department in Netbay Internet is responsible for purchasing and maintaining the network equipment (Lazaroiu 2015). Network manager has to maintain the server in the organization. The human resource manager of Netbay Internet looks after the wellbeing of the employees. The human resource manager looks after the recruitment, training, safety and payroll of the employees (Douma 2015). He or she also looks after the attendance of the employees and maintains a good relationship with the employees. This activity has improved the efficiency of the employees The employees within the organization also lacks in specialization. As the employees in the organization are not specialized they often come across different types of problem. The problems cannot be easily solved and this reduces the productivity of the organization as a whole. The organization is facing problems because of lack of specialization. In the structure followed by the organization decisions are taken by the top management. Lower level employees only execute the orders of the top management. The lower level executives cannot make any decision. All these hamper the functioning of the organization. 3.0 Recommendation In the organization Netbay Internet aggressive culture is followed. The CEO is the main decision maker in the organization and others have little part in it. So in order to resolve problem following recommendations are taken by the organization. To introduce a transparent policy in the organization. To prevent employee harassment by introducing new rules. To introduce decentralize power structure, where junior level employees can take decision. To introduce relationship-driven approach in the organization. Warm and friendly relation is developed by the employees of the organization through relationship driven approach. Through a relationship-driven approach, the customers of the organization are handled effectively and efficiently. This process has increased the revenue generation of the organization. Rewards and reorganization should be introduced in the organization. Rewards should be mainly in the form of monetary benefits. This will motivate the employees to give their best efforts. The best employee of the year can also enjoy a free trip to Singapore with their family. This process should motivate the employees in Netbay Internet to give their best efforts. The employer should have arranged a training facility for the new recruits in the organization. The new joiners are given training for a period of 30 days in the organization. In these 30 days, the new joiners are trained about their activities and procedures to be followed in the organization. The first fifteen days are in-house training and the remaining fifteen days are on the job training. Along with these, the employees in the organization are also trained when a new technology is implemented in the organization. Therefore such training will help the employees in the organization to carry out their activities and thereby improve the productivity of the organization. To reduce the pressure of the employees by introducing fun session. 4.0 Conclusion The researcher has thoroughly discussed the organizational structure in Netbay Internet. Effective collaboration among the employees in the organization increases the productivity of the organization. Rewards and recognitions are also discussed by the researcher. A brief description of the organizational culture is also described by the researcher in this assignment. The researcher has also discussed about the recommendation which will solve problems in the organization. References Ater, I., Givati, Y. and Rigbi, O. 2014, "Organizational structure, police activity and crime",Journal of Public Economics,vol. 115, pp. 62-71. 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